Saturday, September 7, 2013

new pictures-2

We have a new addition to the family:  Laila Everly Paige McKibbin born July 4, 2013 to Jena and Matt, My granddaughter and her husband. 

Zaylin Elaine at age 2-1/2, and her brother Jaxon's picture of his first day of School.....

new pictures

Haven't written in a few months.  Stuff is afly' have one new quilt I will take a picture and post.  Have been cleaning out scraps to give away.  Preparing our rental house for sale.....much work involved, hopefull can get on market by Oct 1, 2013....and need to make a trip to Florida to see family. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

I made this quilt in January of 2012 - My sister Jeneen called and needed something colorful.  So she received this - I is coupled with a tiffany lamp and yellow bed cover.  It sounds like it found a great home. 

Baby shower things

I have been quilting just haven't posted anything lately.  My Granddaughter JenaCarol is have a baby girl in June, so I have been doing things for the nursery.  This is what is complete so far.  I have just sent a baby quilt to my cousin JoAnn in California to quilt, and a banner to embroider for a Hanky quilt with the babies name.  Now to get the rocker finished.